Friday, March 14, 2014

Leo and Livi

These two.  Trouble if I've ever seen it. :)  We went to take a few pics of Belle and these two tagged along on their bikes.  Love this pic!  You would have thought I would have staged it- you know, told them to both put one hand on the handlebars and the other on the seat, inside legs up on the pedal, etc.  It was just too randomly perfect to not brag about :)


Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

I need to print this!

LWV said...

You are totally justified in bragging about this. It is perfect!

EVM said...

I don't know how you could have staged would have been about impossible to get two small kids to go along with all those things and hold the pose. I think it is completely adorable! An almost magic moment.