Sunday, March 13, 2011

Product Review : Trail Mix

I interupt the constant Leo-ness on this blog to bring you another product review...I know, it has been awhile. Anywho, this is the best trail mix from Costco...the best! It has walnuts, almonds, pistachios, dried cranberries, and dried cherries (my favorite of all the of dried fruits!).
I was at Costco with my mom back in January and saw this mix and said it looked good. She bought it to have as a snack for a thing she was hosting at their house and I got to steal a little- yum! There was some left over and when I was in labor and hadn't eaten anything all day I requested that my dad bring it when he came so I could snack on something as soon as Leo was born...I ate some in the delivery room! I finished the bag during my stay at the hospital- it was really great for snacking on when I was up in the night.

I just got a bag of it this week when I went to Costco and it is seriously almost gone already. It is especially great now since I am not eating chocolate while I nurse and so many treats contain chocolate! If you are in the neighborhood of your local Costco, pick up a bag!


kellebelle said...

Dried cherries are my favorites, too. Mmmm. Dried mangoes (from Costco) are probably my #2. I don't know if I've ever even seen/noticed this trail mix at Costco before. I may have to check it out... although I don't know if I like pistachios or not??

You know what I am loving from Costco lately? The Nature's Path organic granola with pumpkin and flax seeds. We tried a sample one day and Camilla asked if we could buy it. Now I am glad I did--it's delicious! We all like it and I love that it is healthier than most breakfast cereals. Anyhow, there's my return product review. :)

Colleen Christensen, Photographer said...

this may be the dumbest question of all, but why no chocolate while nursing? I remember Amy said the same thing. I'm what I consider to be way up to speed on all things "health" but I have never heard of such a thing. Why??? Teach me.

alee said...

Of course it is different for every baby, but chocolate is generally thought of as harder to digest in babies and can make them gassy or fussy...just like a lot of foods. You probably haven't heard of it because it is an older way of thinking...back when breastfeeding mothers actually changed their diets for their babies! Leo and I are just taking it slow figuring out what things are good and easy for him to eat, mostly because I would rather go without something than deal with a spitty baby with a tummyache. :)