Friday, November 6, 2009

Husband of the Year Points

So I haven't been very good about keeping track of Husband of the Year points.  I give them all the time- Nicholas is a fantastic husband and my bff- but then when I go to put them on the blog I forget (or get lazy because I have to sign into a different gmail account to do them).  

I just wanted to document why Nick is a great husband though.  Tonight he brought me home Pumpkin Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory...a holiday favorite of mine that happens to be located right by his office.  Then he escorted me to the Cypress Market Night out in our front common area where there are all sorts of vendors set up- crafts, food, music, etc.  He not only let me but encouraged me to buy some jewelry I really some other various items.  

Speaking of Cypress Market Nights, this was our 2nd one and we knew what to expect this time.  I knew there would be a farmer's market selling fresh produce, so I was excited and prepared to buy some home grown veggies.  I am positive the green beans are going to taste amazing!

So that is all for now...I know nobody will comment because there aren't pictures, but there you go.  Cypress Market Nights are cool and I have the World's Best Husband. :)


Katie Lewis said...

Comment! Comment! I'm glad Nick told you to buy something. It's always more fun that way.

kellebelle said...

Mmmm -- farmer's market produce is so much better! Fun fun!

alee said...

Nick is a really great husband! :)

Effie said...

Hey! I'm glad I can see how you're doing now!

EVM said...

I'm so glad to know Nick is a good husband...I like to think that as his sisters Mikelle and I helped train him well. Hey - if Nick gets to make comments on our blog about how he was the original and therefore arguably cutest pumpkin, I can make comments about what great sisters he has on yours!