Wednesday, September 17, 2008

tuckered out!

i am not trying to toot my own horn (because i have done plenty of really stupid things the last few days) but i have run five miles each morning for the last four days in a row!!!  the weather has been so pleasant and cool here that we can sleep in and still run...that part is great.  today we even got talking about modernity- my specialty- and thus i rarely thought about my running.  

i also went in to the studio today to do a staff workout- i was "prepared to sweat" as i had been instructed and arrived in my workout gear and athletic shoes.  the rest of the staff was in their dance shoes and slacks...i felt a bit sheepish, but i could grapevine faster than them anyway!  when i go in tomorrow i will for sure be appropriately dressed.  i came home and changed into a skirt for the party tonight and am starting to make some friends there at the studio...Paul- a forty something jolly obese man with a beard- is kind of my buddy.  he calls me "professor".  there were a few younger guys there too tonight and unfortunately they still had to learn that i was "taken".  woohoo!  less a month now!

so between my knee aching from running, my mind crazy with wedding details, and my feet sore from dancing in heels, i am ready to turn in tonight!

1 comment:

Ben, Amy, Isabelle & Olivia said...

It's great to be busy! I laughed telling Ben that you showed up in gym shoes to the dance studio...but he thought everyone there was nuts for being in dance shoes!